The Schlepp Life

There are random words that appear in English that have German roots: Kindergarden, Kaputt, and Schlepp. It is no wonder why we took that word the latter word from the German language, now is it? You might feel as though you have become a pack…

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Nur Bares ist Wahres €

Yes it’s 2019. Yes Germany has the third largest economy in the world. And yes, “nur bar ist wahr”, or only cash is real. Germans have a very strong liquidity preference. Perhaps it’s due to the hyperinflation, which historians[1] will argue led to the rising of…

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Zu Verschenken

ebay Kleinanzeige & Zu Verschenken Need to furnish an entire apartment? As you might find, German apartments come sparce, generally speaking there are no light fixtures and at times no kitchen (and by this I mean no cabinets, sink, fridge, stove, etc) Literally just the…

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Pausenscheibe = Pause (break) + Scheibe (disk) = break disk. This photo stems from the Universität Hamburg during exam time (generally February to March for the Winter Semester and July to August for the Summer Semester). As the University doesn’t have enough space for all…

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Brot Liebe

Did you know there are 218 words to describe bread in the German language and nearly 2,000 different kinds of bread in Germany? To say the least, bread or das Brot is quite the big deal here. If a German asks you to just pick up some…

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